
Roasted Perl 6

Rakudo Jvm
Rakudo Moar
Rakudo Parrot
S01: Overview
Perl 5 Integration: basic.t
(20 skipped)
S02: Bits and Pieces
Lexical Conventions: comments.t
Possible runaway string
(3 skipped)
Excess arguments to CORE eval
(1 skipped)
Opening bracket is required for #` comment
(4 skipped)
(2 todo)
(1 todo)
Lexical Conventions: unicode.t
VOWEL SIGNs in identifiers
(2 skipped)
PS does not work to separate lines
(1 todo)
Lexical Conventions: unspace.t
86 tests aborted (missing ok/not ok)
(86 aborted)
Failed test
aborted 86 test(s)
indirect method calls
(3 skipped)
.++ does not work
(1 skipped)
=for pod not implemented (in STD.pm)
(4 skipped)
pod and unspace
(3 skipped)
Lists: tree.t
Any.tree(*@list) NYI
(1 skipped)
Literals: autoref.t
Cannot use value like Capture as a Number
(7 skipped)
(4 todo)
Literals: char-by-name.t
Unrecognized character name LINE FEED
(1 skipped)
\c[LF] not valid
(1 skipped)
\c[LINE FEED] not valid
(1 skipped)
Detecting malformed escape sequences NYI
(4 todo)
zen hash slice
(2 todo)
\xa0 should not be a separator for list quotes
(1 todo)
Literals: listquote.t
Preceding context expects a term, but found infix , instead
(1 skipped)
(1 skipped)
meta operators
(1 skipped)
magic type of <...> contents
(3 todo)
unknown errors
(1 todo)
Action method escape:sym<&> not yet implemented
(3 skipped)
No value for parameter \$index in postcircumfix:<{ }>
(1 todo)
Literals: numeric.t
exactly rounded Str->Num without FatRat
(1 todo)
Literals: pairs.t
Action method escape:sym<&> not yet implemented
(1 skipped)
(2 todo)
reduce meta op
(1 skipped)
(1 skipped)
reduce meta op
(1 todo)
(1 todo)
Parse failure
(1 skipped)
Literals: quoting.t
& escape, zen slices
(9 skipped)
& escape
(2 skipped)
(19 todo)
Weird quoting issue
(1 todo)
(2 todo)
Failed test
156 - \c followed by non-number
Failed test
159 - Escaped opener produces the opener unescaped
\c@ etc
(3 skipped)
(1 todo)
(1 todo)
q:x assigned to array
(2 todo)
quoting adverbs
(4 todo)
Literals: radix.t
(1 skipped)
:radix[] NYI
(4 skipped)
:radix() NYI
(4 todo)
Some question of what this form should actually do
(4 todo)
(1 todo)
Literals: version.t
trailing zeroes fail
(3 todo)
Magicals: config.t
unimpl $?OS
(2 skipped)
infinite loop
(1 skipped)
(2 todo)
for() with nullary block
(1 skipped)
Magicals: dollar_bang.t
undefine and Exception NYI
(7 skipped)
(2 todo)
stringification of $!
(1 todo)
Magicals: env.t
Action method statement_control:import not yet implemented
(1 skipped)
Cannot call is_run; none of these signatures match
(1 skipped)
(1 todo)
(1 todo)
import keyword
(1 skipped)
Magicals: progname.t
(1 todo)
Names Vars: list_array_perl.t
hanging test
(1 skipped)
(1 todo)
recursive data structure
(2 skipped)
List.perl bug
(1 todo)
Names Vars: names.t
Undeclared name: Terrain::
(7 skipped)
Postconstraints, and shapes on variable declarators NYI
(4 skipped)
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
(2 skipped)
(1 todo)
::{ } package lookup NYI
(4 skipped)
this kind of lookup NYI
(2 skipped)
package variable autovivification
(7 skipped)
dubious test - otherwise why is ::<$foo> allowed?
(1 todo)
Names Vars: perl.t
hanging test
(2 skipped)
>>>Stub code executed
(4 skipped)
Unhandled exception
(6 skipped)
{...}.perl does not work
(2 skipped)
recursive data structure
(2 skipped)
RT 67790
(2 skipped)
Names Vars: signature.t
eqv on signatures
(2 todo)
nom regression
(3 skipped)
nom regression
(3 todo)
Undeclared routine grtz
(3 skipped)
(3 todo)
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
(8 todo)
nom regression
(3 skipped)
nom regression
(3 todo)
Names Vars: varnames.t
(2 todo)
14 tests aborted (missing ok/not ok)
(14 aborted)
Failed test
aborted 14 test(s)
cannot easily override [] at the moment
(2 skipped)
bare sigil % generates postcircumfix:<()> exception
(1 skipped)
++(state $) yields (3, 3, 3) instead of (1, 2, 3)
(2 skipped)
Names: caller.t
(1 todo)
Names: our.t
Null PMC access in invoke()
(1 skipped)
OUR::subname() does not work
(1 skipped)
Names: pseudo.t
(2 skipped)
(19 skipped)
(6 skipped)
various issues, skipping all for now
(36 skipped)
the binding in here is NYI
(4 skipped)
various issues to resolve
(23 skipped)
GLOBAL and interpolation
(1 todo)
binding and interpolation together NYI
(2 todo)
interpolation and auto-viv NYI
(1 todo)
these tests disagree with STD
(2 todo)
not entirely sure these make sense...
(2 todo)
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
(5 skipped)
(2 skipped)
no such symbol
(1 skipped)
(1 todo)
no such symbol
(1 todo)
No candidates for dispatch to mone
(4 skipped)
Exception NYI
(3 skipped)
tests don't work if previous test fails
(2 skipped)
Parrot support for zero-arg subs?
(1 todo)
Types: array.t
Zen slices
(1 skipped)
Failure NYI
(3 skipped)
multi-dim arrays
(2 skipped)
coercion syntax
(2 skipped)
*/.. interaction
(2 skipped)
WhateverCode/.. interaction
(1 skipped)
Cannot use value like WhateverCode as a number
(1 skipped)
(8 skipped)
(1 todo)
type constraints
(1 todo)
@arr[-1] returns undef
(1 todo)
Unable to resolve method exists in class Array
(5 skipped)
min on list with undefined el ignores it
(1 todo)
(3 todo)
non-flattening hash refs
(3 todo)
Unable to resolve method push in type Any
(5 skipped)
(2 todo)
Types: bag.t
(2 skipped)
Non-Str keys NYI
(3 skipped)
.grabpairs NYI
(1 skipped)
(2 skipped)
.pickpairs NYI
(11 skipped)
.grab NYI
(1 skipped)
.total/.minpairs/.maxpairs NYI
(16 skipped)
Unmatched key in Hash.LISTSTORE
(2 skipped)
Bag in Bag does not work correctly yet
(4 todo)
Non-string bag elements NYI
(1 todo)
No longer Iterable
(3 skipped)
Odd number of elements
(2 skipped)
Not properly interpolating
(2 todo)
Types: baghash.t
Non-Str keys NYI
(3 skipped)
(1 todo)
171 tests aborted (missing ok/not ok)
(171 aborted)
Failed test
aborted 171 test(s)
'is ObjectType' NYI
(21 skipped)
No longer Iterable
(3 skipped)
Odd number of elements
(2 skipped)
Needs to catch up with spec
(2 todo)
RT 120407
(2 todo)
in flux
(2 todo)
Types: bool.t
2 tests aborted (missing ok/not ok)
(2 aborted)
Failed test
aborted 2 test(s)
Types: capture.t
nom regression
(1 skipped)
nom regression
(2 todo)
Failure NYI
(1 skipped)
questionable test
(1 todo)
die or fail?
(1 todo)
Types: declare.t
Comparator not implemented
(1 skipped)
OrderingPair not implemented
(1 skipped)
Complex not type converted properly during assignment from Rat
(1 skipped)
utf8 not implemented
(1 skipped)
buf not implemented
(1 skipped)
Blob not implemented
(1 skipped)
QuantHash not implemented
(1 skipped)
Macro not implemented
(1 skipped)
int not implemented
(1 skipped)
No value for parameter $l in infix:<===>
(1 skipped)
rat not implemented
(1 skipped)
bit not implemented
(1 skipped)
complex not implemented
(1 skipped)
Codepoint not implemented
(1 skipped)
Matcher not implemented
(1 skipped)
Char not implemented
(1 skipped)
junction not implemented
(1 skipped)
utf32 not implemented
(1 skipped)
AnyChar not implemented
(1 skipped)
Grapheme not implemented
(1 skipped)
Failure not implemented
(1 skipped)
CharLingua not implemented
(1 skipped)
Ordering not implemented
(1 skipped)
Bit not implemented
(1 skipped)
(1 skipped)
StrPos not implemented
(1 skipped)
Duration not implemented
(1 skipped)
utf16 not implemented
(1 skipped)
KeyExtractor not implemented
(1 skipped)
(1 skipped)
Coercive declarations NYI
(2 skipped)
No Module type yet
(1 skipped)
(1 skipped)
num not implemented
(1 skipped)
Exception not implemented
(1 skipped)
StrLen not implemented
(1 skipped)
Byte not implemented
(1 skipped)
HyperWhatever not implemented
(1 skipped)
num16 not implemented
(1 skipped)
Integral not implemented
(1 skipped)
Complex not type converted properly during assignment from Num
(1 skipped)
Matcher isa not implemented
(1 skipped)
num16 not implemented
(1 skipped)
int not implemented
(1 todo)
num not implemented
(1 todo)
tracebacks in deprecations
(29 skipped)
Could not create deprecated Order::Decrease
(1 skipped)
Could not create deprecated Order::Increase
(1 skipped)
Types: hash.t
Excess arguments to Hash.new, unused named a
(1 skipped)
Unsupported use of [-1] subscript to access from end of array
(1 skipped)
(5 todo)
auto-vivified binding does not work yet
(1 todo)
(4 todo)
integer Inf
(4 skipped)
Int conversion of NaN and Inf
(3 todo)
tracebacks in deprecations
(2 todo)
(8 todo)
Types: lists.t
(1 skipped)
Cannot use value like Capture as a number
(2 skipped)
Excess arguments to CORE List.new
(2 skipped)
Cannot use bind operator with this LHS
(3 skipped)
list binding
(3 skipped)
Types: mix.t
No longer Iterable
(3 skipped)
Odd number of elements
(2 skipped)
Not properly interpolating
(2 todo)
Cannot use hash access on an object of type Pair
(8 skipped)
(2 todo)
more keys at level 4
(1 todo)
(2 todo)
isa hash
(1 todo)
Types: mixhash.t
'is ObjectType' NYI
(21 skipped)
No longer Iterable
(3 skipped)
Odd number of elements
(2 skipped)
Needs to catch up with spec
(2 todo)
in flux
(2 todo)
Parse Error: Statement not terminated properly
(10 skipped)
Null PMC access in find_method()
(9 todo)
Types: nan.t
Nominal type check failed for scalar store; got Num, needed Int or subtype
(1 skipped)
unspecced and inconsistent
(1 skipped)
RT 83446
(1 skipped)
RT 83622
(1 todo)
Types: native.t
RT 102416
(2 skipped)
(1 todo)
Types: nil.t
(1 skipped)
(6 todo)
Types: pair.t
eqv NYI for Pair
(1 skipped)
Failure NYI
(1 skipped)
Invocant handling is NYI
(2 skipped)
setting .key changes original val!
(2 todo)
method($invocant:) syntax missing
(2 skipped)
should it really have \n on the end?
(1 todo)
Types: parcel.t
.Parcel NYI
(3 skipped)
.item.perl on empty Parcel gives Match.ast shorthand
(1 todo)
Types: range.t
Unable to resolve method reverse in class Range
(2 skipped)
Attempted to access slot $!min of type object for Range
(1 skipped)
Undeclared name: "Failure"
(1 skipped)
Types: set.t
.grabpairs NYI
(1 skipped)
.grab NYI
(1 skipped)
Hypers not yet Set compatible
(10 skipped)
.total NYI
(3 skipped)
(2 skipped)
(2 skipped)
.total/.minpairs/.maxpairs NYI
(8 skipped)
Unmatched key in Hash.LISTSTORE
(3 skipped)
(5 todo)
Set in Set does not work correctly yet
(4 todo)
Losing type in Set
(1 todo)
Set is no longer Iterable
(1 skipped)
Odd number of elements
(3 skipped)
Not properly interpolating
(2 todo)
Hypers not yet Set compatible
(10 todo)
Types: sethash.t
is SetHash doesn't work yet
(10 skipped)
.grabpairs NYI
(18 skipped)
.grab NYI
(14 skipped)
.total NYI
(3 skipped)
.total/.minpairs/.maxpairs NYI
(8 skipped)
Non-string keys NYI
(1 todo)
Failed test
41 - SetHash.kv returns list of keys and values
'is ObjectType' NYI
(10 skipped)
no longer Iterable
(1 skipped)
Not up to current spec
(2 todo)
Undeclared name Buf
(1 skipped)
Undeclared name QuantHash
(1 skipped)
Methods must be used in some kind of package
(4 skipped)
(1 todo)
Capture does Associative
(1 todo)
Capture does Positional
(1 todo)
Types: subset.t
Methods must be used in some kind of package
(1 skipped)
Exception NYI
(2 skipped)
(2 todo)
(noauto) succeeds for the wrong reason (need to test the error)
(1 skipped)
Types: type.t
native types (noauto)
(6 skipped)
Trait of not available on variables
(2 skipped)
retrun value type checking NYI
(8 todo)
(1 todo)
.clone doesn't copy typedness
(4 todo)
Types: unicode.t
graphs NYI
(2 skipped)
Bytes/Codes/Graphs NYI
(9 skipped)
RT #65170
(3 todo)
Undeclared routine
(1 skipped)
Unable to resolve method postcircumfix:<( )> in class Range
(1 skipped)
Cannot use value like WhateverCode as a number
(1 skipped)
(4 skipped)
currying plus meta ops
(5 skipped)
* as dummy
(1 todo)
S03: Summary of Perl 6 Operators
Binding: arrays.t
(5 skipped)
(1 todo)
binding of array elements works with splice (2)
(1 todo)
Binding: attributes.t
class attributes
(3 skipped)
Binding: hashes.t
without fudging 1 rakudo test, the whole file fails?
(1 skipped)
Binding: nested.t
is parcel - https://github.com/sorear/niecza/issues/177
(8 skipped)
Binding: ro.t
(4 todo)
::= on arrays
(4 todo)
nom regression
(2 todo)
Binding: scalars.t
(1 skipped)
list binding
(9 skipped)
difference of interpretation on ro binding
(2 todo)
List binding
(2 skipped)
list binding
(7 skipped)
nom regression
(2 todo)
Feeds: basic.t
double-ended feeds
(4 skipped)
* feeds
(4 skipped)
isn't lazy
(1 todo)
feeds + signatures
(2 todo)
* feeds
(1 todo)
feeds + eager
(3 todo)
Junctions: autothreading.t
interferes hard with inlining
(1 skipped)
Difficulties overloading | and &
(2 todo)
named unary as function call
(1 todo)
Junctions: misc.t
Impossible test: === takes Any
(4 skipped)
(2 todo)
lower case junction
(4 skipped)
lower case junction type
(2 todo)
nom regression
(2 todo)
Metaops: cross.t
Unable to resolve method slice in class List
(1 skipped)
.slice for iterators NYI
(1 skipped)
hyper prefix NYI
(2 skipped)
Array assignment is not lazy -- is this test wrong?
(1 todo)
Metaops: hyper.t
203 tests aborted (missing ok/not ok)
(203 aborted)
Failed test
aborted 203 test(s)
(1 skipped)
(3 skipped)
nom regression: possible spec change/improvement
(2 skipped)
nom regression - whatever extension
(6 todo)
Metaops: reduce.t
(9 skipped)
(2 skipped)
(70 skipped)
this is parsed as ![=], not good
(2 skipped)
huh? these are macros
(2 skipped)
Str cmp Inf
(1 skipped)
reduce is not supposed to flatten?
(1 skipped)
(2 todo)
These are hyperop tests!
(1 todo)
this is parsed as ![=], not good
(2 todo)
(1 todo)
unary [] does not context yet
(1 todo)
(2 skipped)
(2 skipped)
item context
(1 todo)
triangle [\^^] and [\xor]
(2 todo)
(2 todo)
(2 todo)
reduced hyper op
(1 todo)
Metaops: zip.t
Unable to resolve method munch in class List
(1 skipped)
Cannot use value like Whatever as a number
(2 skipped)
Unable to resolve method lol in type Parcel
(3 skipped)
(4 todo)
nom regression
(2 skipped)
nom regression
(4 todo)
Multi colonpair syntax not yet understood
(5 skipped)
Multi colonpair syntax not yet understood
(1 todo)
Operators: also.t
Excess arguments to CORE seqop, used 3 of 4 positionals
(1 skipped)
(1 todo)
nom regression
(4 todo)
Operators: arith.t
No agreement over correct behavior here -- above web page not helpful!
(1 todo)
Operators: assign.t
No ^^ yet
(5 skipped)
Buffer bitops NYI
(15 skipped)
Unable to resolve method LISTSTORE in class List
(2 skipped)
No xor yet
(5 skipped)
$a[] autovivification (unspecced?)
(1 skipped)
Overloading infix:<=> fails
(2 skipped)
(34 todo)
(3 todo)
assigning to ($a, *)
(1 todo)
expects a term, found infix >= instead
(3 skipped)
Two terms in a row
(3 skipped)
cannot modifiy an immutable value
(3 skipped)
Odd number of elements found where hash expected
(1 skipped)
RT #76734
(2 skipped)
RT 80614
(1 todo)
list assignment
(5 todo)
list assignment to scalar
(5 todo)
list assignment, autovivification (?)
(3 todo)
item assignment
(3 todo)
list assignment with ($var, *)
(1 todo)
(2 todo)
(1 todo)
item/list assignment
(1 todo)
Failure NYI
(5 skipped)
Magical string decrement underflowed
(14 skipped)
Gujarati NYI
(6 todo)
Gurmukhi NYI
(6 todo)
Devangari NYI
(6 todo)
(4 todo)
Magical string decrement underflowed
(1 todo)
Arabic-Indic NYI
(6 todo)
Bengali NYI
(6 todo)
Oriya NYI
(6 todo)
Operators: autoincrement.t
Failure NYI
(1 skipped)
(9 todo)
Operators: bag.t
Reduction and bag operators
(16 skipped)
Operators: bit.t
string bitops
(11 skipped)
No value for parameter $a in CORE infix:<?&>
(2 skipped)
No value for parameter $a in CORE infix:<?^>
(2 skipped)
No value for parameter $b in CORE infix:<?^>
(2 skipped)
No value for parameter $b in CORE infix:<?|>
(2 skipped)
No value for parameter $b in CORE infix:<?&>
(2 skipped)
No value for parameter $a in CORE infix:<?|>
(2 skipped)
(1 todo)
Failure NYI
(4 skipped)
Trait context not available on variables
(2 skipped)
Trait dynamic not available on variables
(2 skipped)
Stringy NYI
(3 skipped)
Unmatched key in Hash.LISTSTORE
(2 skipped)
(1 todo)
failure modes of Str.Numeric
(2 skipped)
Operators: context.t
Invalid hard reference syntax
(1 skipped)
Excess arguments to item, used 1 of 2 positionals
(4 skipped)
Operators: equality.t
No value for parameter $r in CORE infix:<==>
(1 skipped)
No value for parameter $l in CORE infix:<!=>
(1 skipped)
No value for parameter $r in CORE infix:<!=>
(1 skipped)
No value for parameter $l in CORE infix:<==>
(1 skipped)
Operators: eqv.t
Cannot use value like Block as a number
(4 skipped)
Cannot use value like Capture as a number
(14 skipped)
Cannot use value like Sub as a number
(3 skipped)
(1 todo)
(1 skipped)
(3 todo)
Operators: flip-flop.t
dubious scoping?
(2 skipped)
Operators: identity.t
Failure NYI
(4 skipped)
(4 todo)
misuse of =:=
(4 todo)
Operators: increment.t
Works fine in niecza...
(1 todo)
Operators: inplace.t
sort is not a stable sort on all platforms
(2 todo)
Method '' not found for invocant of class 'Str'
(4 skipped)
not sure why this doesn't fire
(1 todo)
Operators: minmax.t
(5 todo)
Annoying test that we haven't done the obvious yet unspecced, fails because we have indeed done the obvious
(2 todo)
max/min non-associative NYI
(2 todo)
Operators: misc.t
(1 todo)
nom regression
(1 todo)
Operators: names.t
(2 todo)
Operators: nesting.t
undeclared name [+]
(2 skipped)
undeclared name [<=>]
(1 skipped)
undeclared name [==]
(1 skipped)
Operators: not.t
RT 65556
(1 todo)
Operators: numeric-shift.t
shift by negative bit count
(12 skipped)
Operators: orelse.t
orelse sets $!
(1 skipped)
orelse passes $! as argument
(1 skipped)
orelse passes $! as multiple arguments
(1 skipped)
Operators: precedence.t
assigning to readonly value
(2 skipped)
nom regression
(2 skipped)
list associativity bug
(1 todo)
RT #77848
(1 todo)
non-associativeness of infix:<^> and |
(2 todo)
Operators: range-basic.t
No exceptions
(8 skipped)
Operators: range.t
cannot increment a value of type Match
(3 skipped)
Spec under design here
(4 skipped)
Unhandled exception: cannot increment a value of type Array
(11 skipped)
forbid Ranges as Range endpoints
(1 todo)
(2 todo)
Operators: reduce-le1arg.t
[Z] hangs
(1 skipped)
~> NYI
(1 skipped)
expected Any but got Mu instead
(1 skipped)
~< NYI
(1 skipped)
Operators: set.t
(2 skipped)
Reduction and set operators
(16 skipped)
(2 todo)
Operators: short-circuit.t
^^ xor NYI
(10 skipped)
^^ NYI
(29 skipped)
xor NYI
(3 skipped)
(1 todo)
wrong return type
(6 todo)
Operators: so.t
(1 todo)
check test and rakudo
(1 todo)
Excess arguments to KERNEL Hash.postcircumfix:<{ }>, unused named v
(6 skipped)
Excess arguments to KERNEL Array.postcircumfix:<[ ]>, unused named v
(18 skipped)
(34 todo)
Cannot use value like Pair as a number
(2 todo)
(3 todo)
Failed test
33 - === on scalar references (1-3)
Failed test
55 - === on anonymous scalar references (2)
.WHICH based on type names
(1 todo)
\@a seems to flatten when it should not
(1 todo)
Undeclared names: '[%]'
(2 skipped)
Undeclared names: '[+]'
(1 skipped)
Sequence: arity0.t
Unable to resolve method munch in class List
(10 skipped)
Sequence: basic.t
Failure NYI
(1 skipped)
&[] NYI
(2 skipped)
sequence + last
(1 todo)
(1 todo)
Sequence: misc.t
Unable to resolve method chars in class Block
(1 skipped)
Cannot use value like Block as a number
(1 skipped)
Nominal type check failed in binding Int $n in f; got Str, needed Int
(1 skipped)
Slicel lists are NYI
(3 skipped)
Need something on the LHS
(1 skipped)
Slicel lists are NYI
(1 skipped)
Not enough positional parameters passed; got 0 but expected 1
(1 skipped)
gives True instead
(1 todo)
(2 todo)
bogus test?
(1 todo)
RT 80574
(1 todo)
Sequence: nonnumeric.t
Two definitions found for symbol ::GLOBAL::&infix:<cmp> (etc)
(17 skipped)
munch not implemented
(3 skipped)
lifting comparison ops
(6 skipped)
(11 skipped)
Decrement out of range
(2 skipped)
Smartmatch: any-array.t
(2 todo)
nom regression
(2 todo)
Smartmatch: any-num.t
Nominal type check failed for #1
(2 skipped)
Mu ~~ Num doesn't work yet
(2 skipped)
Smartmatch: any-pair.t
(2 todo)
Smartmatch: any-str.t
Mu as argument
(1 skipped)
smartmatching Mu against Str
(1 skipped)
Smartmatch: any-type.t
Unable to resolve method ACCEPTS in type M
(1 todo)
Smartmatch: array-array.t
(18 todo)
Smartmatch: hash-hash.t
nom regression
(2 todo)
Parametric types
(1 skipped)
Code params with signatures
(1 skipped)
S04: Blocks and Statements
Blocks And Statements: let.t
'fail' used at line 68
(1 skipped)
let restore on exception, RT 121647
(1 todo)
Blocks And Statements: pointy-rw.t
(2 todo)
Blocks And Statements: pointy.t
Could not find non-existent sub junction
(3 skipped)
(1 todo)
Unable to resolve method name in class Sub
(1 todo)
pointy blocks and last/redo
(1 todo)
(1 todo)
Blocks And Statements: temp.t
spec clarification needed
(15 skipped)
TEMP phasers NYI
(6 todo)
temp + recursion
(1 todo)
temp and recursion
(1 todo)
Declarations: constant.t
Lexical foo3 is not a package (?)
(3 skipped)
Cannot use COMPILING outside BEGIN scope
(3 skipped)
Undeclared name: 'G::c'
(2 skipped)
Cannot use bind operator with this LHS
(1 skipped)
Unable to resolve method postcircumfix:<( )> in class Int
(1 skipped)
(2 todo)
(2 skipped)
unicode constant name
(1 skipped)
constants as type constraints
(1 todo)
(3 todo)
Declarations: implicit-parameter.t
(2 todo)
pointy blocks and $_
(2 todo)
Declarations: multiple.t
(1 todo)
nom regression
(1 todo)
Declarations: my.t
a not predeclared
(1 skipped)
(3 skipped)
(1 todo)
still fails?
(2 todo)
nom regression, OUR::
(2 skipped)
Method 'submethod_table' not found
(1 skipped)
previous test skipped
(1 todo)
(1 todo)
Declarations: our.t
our-scoped var in role
(1 todo)
Declarations: state.t
(1 skipped)
(1 todo)
parse error
(5 skipped)
embedded closures in regexen
(1 todo)
initialization happens only on first call(?)
(1 todo)
Declarations: will.t
declared variable not visible in block yet
(2 skipped)
declared variable not visible in block yet# TODO will init NYI
(1 skipped)
will init NYI
(1 todo)
will post NYI
(1 todo)
declared variable not visible in block yet
(2 todo)
Exceptions: fail.t
RT 64990
(2 skipped)
Exceptions: pending.t
(13 skipped)
(3 skipped)
not full of fail?
(1 todo)
Phasers: check.t
(2 todo)
Phasers: end.t
lexicals and EVAL()
(2 todo)
(1 skipped)
dubious: noauto
(2 skipped)
(1 todo)
unwind, RT 121530
(1 skipped)
leave NYI
(1 skipped)
(1 todo)
is this spec? why would LEAVE not see outer $!? fossil?
(1 todo)
Phasers: first.t
2 tests aborted (missing ok/not ok)
(2 aborted)
Failed test
aborted 2 test(s)
Phasers: in-eval.t
not sure
(1 todo)
Phasers: init.t
no value
(2 todo)
Phasers: keep-undo.t
fail NYI
(2 skipped)
Phasers: next.t
leave NYI
(1 skipped)
NEXT/LEAVE ordering
(2 todo)
Phasers: pre-post.t
(3 skipped)
POST and exceptions
(1 skipped)
POST and exceptions
(1 todo)
(1 todo)
failing PRE block should not run any other phasers, RT 121531
(1 todo)
Phasers: rvalue.t
Excess arguments to EVAL, used 1 of 2 positionals
(1 skipped)
block returns no value
(6 todo)
Statement Modifiers: for.t
closure for
(2 todo)
Statement Modifiers: if.t
empty list as element not flattened - https://github.com/sorear/niecza/issues/180
(1 todo)
Statement Modifiers: unless.t
empty list as element not flattened - https://github.com/sorear/niecza/issues/180
(1 todo)
Statements: do.t
last without loop construct
(1 skipped)
redo without loop construct
(1 skipped)
Undeclared name A
(3 skipped)
next without loop construct
(1 skipped)
Statements: for.t
slice context
(1 skipped)
array iterator does not track a growing array
(2 todo)
(2 todo)
(1 todo)
optional variable in for loop (RT #63994)
(1 skipped)
maybe bogus, for loops are not supposed to be lazy?
(1 skipped)
RT 113026 array iterator does not track a growing array
(2 todo)
Statements: gather.t
Cannot use bind operator with this LHS
(5 skipped)
RT #117635 (infinite loop)
(1 skipped)
(1 skipped)
Statements: last.t
last LABEL
(2 skipped)
Statements: loop.t
(1 skipped)
Statements: next.t
next BLOCK
(1 skipped)
next LOOP
(1 skipped)
Statements: repeat.t
(3 skipped)
No value in ANON available for parameter $a
(1 skipped)
Statements: sink.t
RT #117235
(1 todo)
Statements: try.t
new exception stuff
(5 skipped)
=== and Nil NYI
(2 skipped)
Method 'substr' not found
(1 skipped)
RT 111704
(1 todo)
S05: Regexes and Rules
Capture: caps.t
conjunctive regex terms - nyi
(12 skipped)
& caps on jvm
(1 todo)
RT117995 - quantified conjunctive capture
(1 todo)
&& caps on jvm
(1 todo)
Capture: dot.t
really? :-)
(1 todo)
dubious test
(6 todo)
needs review
(3 todo)
No such method pos for invocant of type Any
(1 skipped)
Unsupported use of $¢ variable
(1 skipped)
Unsupported use of $¢ variable
(1 todo)
Capture: named.t
Writing to readonly scalar
(2 skipped)
assigning to match object
(2 skipped)
(1 skipped)
Failed test
19 - $/ availiable
Cannot dispatch to a method on Baz because it is not inherited or done by Cursor
(6 skipped)
Cannot dispatch to a method on Foo because it is not inherited or done by Cursor
(1 skipped)
Cannot dispatch to a method on Bar because it is not inherited or done by Cursor
(4 skipped)
automatic Grammar superclass
(1 todo)
Grammar: methods.t
Failed test
6 - duplicate methods err sanely
Grammar: namespace.t
Cannot dispatch to a method on GrammarShallow because it is not inherited or done by Cursor
(1 skipped)
11 tests aborted (missing ok/not ok)
(11 aborted)
Failed test
aborted 11 test(s)
Grammar: protoregex.t
30 tests aborted (missing ok/not ok)
(30 aborted)
Failed test
aborted 30 test(s)
(1 todo)
Grammar: ws.t
infinite loop: RT #64094 (noauto)
(2 skipped)
Interpolation: regex-in-variable.t
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
(2 skipped)
Representation P6cursor does not support attributes
(3 skipped)
Cannot cast from source type to destination type.
(1 skipped)
instance member interpolation
(3 skipped)
warn on undef
(1 todo)
Unicode 6.3 -- lower characters
(1 todo)
Unicode 6.3 -- punct characters
(2 todo)
unicode 6.0 punct characters
(1 todo)
blank characters
(1 todo)
punct characters
(1 todo)
CR as char name
(2 skipped)
negative char class in enumerated list
(62 skipped)
NEL as char name
(2 skipped)
FF as char name
(2 skipped)
\c[LF] not valid charname
(4 skipped)
\c[CR] not valid charname
(4 skipped)
escapes in char classes
(5 skipped)
\c[NEL] not valid charname
(7 skipped)
\c[FF] not valid charname
(4 skipped)
LF as char name
(2 skipped)
(5 todo)
(3 skipped)
isCommon not implemented
(10 skipped)
(7 skipped)
isAssigned not implemented
(7 skipped)
isAny not implemented
(4 skipped)
isOther* not implemented
(35 skipped)
isUnassigned not implemented
(1 todo)
isOther* not implemented
(42 skipped)
No [Lr] property defined
(10 skipped)
Invalid codepoint \x[FFFE]
(16 skipped)
Invalid codepoint \x[FFFF]
(4 skipped)
Unicode spec change in v6.1
(3 todo)
Unions of properties of non-existent codepoints
(4 todo)
Unicode spec change in v6.1
(6 todo)
Unicode properties with arguments
(35 skipped)
Mass: rx.t
Unable to resolve method alpha in class Cursor
(1 skipped)
Dubious test, http://irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2012-05-27#i_5643089
(2 skipped)
Unable to resolve method wb in class Cursor
(13 skipped)
Autoloading NYI
(1 skipped)
Action method mod_arg not yet implemented
(21 skipped)
Unable to resolve method name in class Cursor
(2 skipped)
space between - and [ ] is a problem?
(1 skipped)
Unsuppored elements in after list
(4 skipped)
+ [ ] fails
(2 skipped)
(9 todo)
::: issue
(3 todo)
allows them
(1 todo)
:: issues
(2 todo)
undefined capture
(1 todo)
Failed test
424 - sigspace (:s)
Failed test
425 - sigspace (:s)
Failed test
429 - sigspace (:s)
Failed test
434 - sigspace (:sigspace)
Failed test
437 - sigspace (:sigspace)
<commit> not implemented
(1 skipped)
(21 skipped)
(1 skipped)
closure repetition
(1 skipped)
RT 116415
(2 skipped)
RT 112454
(2 skipped)
::: NYI
(2 skipped)
regex <name>
(2 skipped)
RT 112450
(2 skipped)
RT #121306
(1 skipped)
parse error
(1 skipped)
:: NYI
(9 skipped)
anchors and after
(1 todo)
RT #121307
(1 todo)
(3 skipped)
(14 skipped)
(14 skipped)
(4 todo)
Match: blocks.t
(5 todo)
nom regression
(4 todo)
Assignment to matched string affects earlier match objects
(1 todo)
rule declaration outside of grammar
(2 skipped)
No value for parameter $obj in isa_ok
(1 skipped)
match with non-existent capture does not match
(1 todo)
Match object in $/ after match in void context
(1 todo)
(1 todo)
binding to $/
(5 skipped)
RT 70007
(1 todo)
Match: perl.t
No value for parameter $a in is_deeply
(1 skipped)
Cannot dispatch to a method on GLOBAL::Perl6::Grammar
(4 skipped)
empty result
(1 todo)
Metachars: closure.t
assigning to readonly value
(5 skipped)
(1 todo)
make() inside closure
(3 skipped)
assignment to match variables (dubious)
(5 skipped)
Metachars: newline.t
(2 todo)
Metachars: tilde.t
Unable to resolve method FAILGOAL in class Cursor
(11 skipped)
backtracking to find ~ goal
(2 skipped)
exceptions from regexes
(3 skipped)
backtracking into ~
(2 skipped)
should not throw exceptions
(5 skipped)
Metasyntax: angle-brackets.t
Action method assertion:sym<*> not yet implemented
(11 skipped)
Anonymous submatch returned a Str instead of a Cursor, violating the submatch protocol
(1 skipped)
Action method assertion:sym<~~>
(2 skipped)
Sigil % is not allowed for regex assertions
(2 skipped)
Action method assertion:sym<???> not yet implemented
(3 skipped)
Unable to resolve method test in class Cursor
(5 skipped)
(1 todo)
<.$foo> syntax placeholder
(1 todo)
string value was cached
(1 todo)
indirect subrule call not implemented
(1 skipped)
<~~ ... >
(1 skipped)
<test()> not implemented
(2 skipped)
<$subrule> not implemented
(2 skipped)
colon arguments not implemented
(1 skipped)
(11 skipped)
<&foo()> not implemented
(1 skipped)
angle quotes in regexes
(2 skipped)
<%hash> not implemented
(2 todo)
!!! in regexes
(1 todo)
Metasyntax: charset.t
(1 todo)
gives c123?
(1 todo)
large \x char spec in regex (RT #67122) (noauto)
(1 skipped)
Metasyntax: delimiters.t
* not yet supported
(1 todo)
? not yet supported
(1 todo)
~ not yet supported
(1 todo)
+ not yet supported
(1 todo)
(1 todo)
(1 todo)
Metasyntax: litvar.t
(1 todo)
sequential semantics NYI
(1 todo)
Regex modifier g not yet implemented
(7 skipped)
LTM - literals in tokens
(1 todo)
LTM - longer quantified atom wins against shorter literal (subrules)
(1 todo)
LTM - literals in nested tokens
(1 todo)
implicit <.ws> stops LTM
(1 todo)
LTM only participated up to the LTM stopper :::
(1 todo)
(1 skipped)
LTM - literals in tokens
(2 todo)
Metasyntax: regex.t
Exception NYI
(2 skipped)
invalid syntax
(3 todo)
Metasyntax: repeat.t
closure repetition
(6 skipped)
sequential alternation NYI
(2 todo)
Metasyntax: unknown.t
(3 skipped)
(1 todo)
RT 74832
(1 todo)
Excess arguments to CORE Cool.match
(4 skipped)
(6 skipped)
(1 todo)
Modifier: counted.t
(2 skipped)
(1 todo)
(2 todo)
Modifier: ignorecase.t
(3 todo)
(1 todo)
ignorecase and SS/&szlig;
(2 todo)
Modifier: ii.t
(6 todo)
Modifier: overlapping.t
m:overlap// NYI
(5 skipped)
m:overlap NYI
(6 todo)
Modifier: perl5_0.t
(7 todo)
Modifier: perl5_5.t
(1 skipped)
unknown issue
(2 todo)
(?i) and backreferences
(2 todo)
(1 todo)
Modifier: perl5_8.t
(1 skipped)
character classes in enumerated range
(6 skipped)
expensive quantifier
(18 skipped)
(?>...) not implemented
(1 todo)
Modifier: pos.t
(4 skipped)
(1 todo)
s:pos/// NYI
(1 todo)
m:p:i:g// NYI
(1 todo)
Modifier: repetition.t
(1 todo)
(1 todo)
Modifier: sigspace.t
Failed test
10 - inline :s doesn't imply <.ws> immediately (-)
Failed test
13 - Semantics of sigspace after ^
Substitution: subst.t
s:g[...] =
(2 skipped)
Action method quote:ss not yet implemented
(3 skipped)
s[...] op= RHS
(3 skipped)
Unable to resolve method postcircumfix:<( )> in type Any
(3 skipped)
Regex modifiers ii and samecase NYI
(2 skipped)
:samecase NYI
(8 skipped)
Cannot assign to $/
(10 skipped)
(3 todo)
:nth(3, 4) NYI
(3 todo)
Niecza works when it shouldn't?
(1 todo)
be smarter about constant detection
(1 todo)
Transliteration: trans.t
closures and regexes
(2 skipped)
Nominal type check failed for scalar store; got Int, needed Str or subtype
(2 skipped)
Action method quote:tr not yet implemented
(5 skipped)
trans flags NYI
(11 skipped)
(1 todo)
Not sure what is supposed to be going on here
(1 todo)
tr///, feed operator not implemented
(5 skipped)
(10 todo)
disambiguate ranges
(1 todo)
Transliteration: with-closure.t
Unable to resolve method ord in class Any
(1 skipped)
Closure invoked twice
(1 todo)
regex and closure mix (with $/ as topic)
(1 todo)
Closure executed three times
(1 todo)
regex and closure mix (with $/ as topic and capture)
(1 todo)
can use closures in pairs
(1 todo)
nom regression
(5 todo)
S06: Subroutines
Advanced: caller.t
(16 skipped)
try interferes with caller counting
(1 todo)
Advanced: callframe.t
Unable to resolve method inline in type CallFrame
(1 skipped)
Unable to resolve method my in type CallFrame
(2 skipped)
needs .my
(1 todo)
Advanced: lexical-subs.t
cannot parse operator names yet
(2 skipped)
Advanced: return.t
eager NYI
(2 skipped)
Excess arguments to return, unused named c
(3 skipped)
(6 todo)
RT 75118
(3 skipped)
RT 61732
(1 todo)
Advanced: wrap.t
control operator crossed continuation barrier
(1 skipped)
RT 70267: call to nextsame with nowhere to go
(1 todo)
RT 77472
(1 todo)
(1 todo)
temp and wrap
(2 todo)
Unable to resolve method assuming in class Code
(2 skipped)
Currying: mixed.t
Unable to resolve method assuming:x<XXX> in class Sub
(2 skipped)
Multi colonpair syntax not yet understood
(1 skipped)
(2 todo)
(3 skipped)
return from macro
(1 skipped)
Method 'succ' not found
(2 skipped)
No such method 'STORE' for invocant of type 'Mu'
(2 skipped)
Macros: unquoting.t
Specified code ref has no outer, RT 121533
(1 skipped)
Ambiguous dispatch for &uno_mas
(1 skipped)
(2 todo)
lexical scope as tie breaker
(1 todo)
slurpy and named interaction
(2 skipped)
Multi: proto.t
Unhandled exception: Cannot use value like Block as a number
(8 skipped)
>>>Stub code executed
(1 skipped)
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
(1 skipped)
Illegal redeclaration of routine 'bar'
(5 skipped)
(2 todo)
redeclaration of routine 'bar'
(5 skipped)
operator protos
(1 todo)
Multi: syntax.t
Ambiguous dispatch for &bar
(2 skipped)
No candidates for dispatch to &bar
(1 skipped)
Ambiguous dispatch for &baz
(1 skipped)
No candidates for dispatch to &baz
(1 skipped)
Ambiguous call to &rt68528
(1 skipped)
(4 todo)
Two definitions found for symbol ::GLOBAL::A::&a
(3 skipped)
two or more Anys error
(4 skipped)
We turned these off because of a niecza bug
(2 skipped)
Ambiguous dispatch for &f4
(6 skipped)
Ambiguous dispatch for &f2
(1 skipped)
no native types yet
(1 skipped)
GLOBAL::T does not name any package
(12 skipped)
$*ERR is apparently not IO
(1 skipped)
our sub in class
(3 skipped)
Operator Overloading: methods.t
(1 todo)
I think niecza may be doing this correctly, but it's hidden in other warnings
(1 todo)
nom regression
(1 todo)
Operator Overloading: sub.t
Undeclared routine
(1 skipped)
Cannot use hash access on an object of type Array
(1 skipped)
No matching candidates to dispatch for &infix:<+>
(2 skipped)
roles NYI
(4 skipped)
Unhandled exception: Malformed block at (eval) line 1
(2 skipped)
import NYI
(4 skipped)
(2 todo)
... was hyperized
(1 todo)
... with hyperization
(1 todo)
... basic infix operator overloading worked
(1 todo)
stringification didn't die
(1 todo)
... worked in array stringification
(1 todo)
missing block, apparently "if" not an op
(1 skipped)
not yet implemented
(2 skipped)
infix Z will never work; no lexical Z
(1 skipped)
(1 skipped)
missing block, no lexical Z
(4 skipped)
(3 skipped)
(2 skipped)
prefix:[] form not implemented
(4 skipped)
undeclared name
(1 skipped)
cannot bind with this LHS
(1 skipped)
(1 todo)
(5 todo)
RT 65638
(1 todo)
Thinks the block is a hash
(3 skipped)
(1 todo)
(2 todo)
copied nom regression
(5 todo)
nom regression
(5 todo)
RT 115744
(2 todo)
Other: main.t
(1 todo)
Other: misc.t
maximum recursion depth exceeded
(2 skipped)
hangs, probably due to [RT #114134]
(1 skipped)
Routine Modifiers: lvalue-subroutines.t
rw checking
(4 todo)
type syntax parse failure
(11 skipped)
Signature: code.t
(2 todo)
RT 67932
(1 todo)
Signature: errors.t
(1 todo)
Failed test
Signature: introspection.t
Abbreviated named parameter must have a name
(1 skipped)
Unable to resolve method constraints in class Parameter
(5 skipped)
Unhandled trait rwt
(10 skipped)
Parameter separator ; NYI
(3 skipped)
Action method fakesignature not yet implemented
(6 skipped)
GLOBAL::T does not name any package
(2 skipped)
(3 todo)
Does this test make sense?
(1 todo)
expected Any but got Mu instead
(1 skipped)
Abbreviated named parameter must have a name
(1 skipped)
multiple same-named arguments NYI
(16 skipped)
Unhandled trait required
(2 skipped)
Renaming a parameter to an existing positional should fail
(1 todo)
sub params with the same name
(2 todo)
where constraints
(4 skipped)
Not enough positional parameters passed; got 0 but expected 1
(1 skipped)
Unable to resolve method Capture in type Range
(1 skipped)
Signature: slurpy-params.t
Unhandled trait of
(11 skipped)
Unhandled trait required
(2 skipped)
(1 todo)
*$f slurps everything up
(3 todo)
Types on slurpy params are checked
(1 todo)
types on slurpy params
(17 skipped)
Signature: sub-ref.t
macros NYI
(4 skipped)
(2 todo)
macros, compile time binding
(4 skipped)
RT 63974
(2 todo)
signature binding of return values NYI
(4 skipped)
Signature: type-capture.t
nom regression
(1 skipped)
Signature: unpack-array.t
(2 todo)
Signature: unspecified.t
RT 71112: Cannot assign to readonly variable.
(1 todo)
(4 todo)
Traits: is-assoc.t
RT 116244
(2 skipped)
readonly attributes
(1 todo)
Traits: is-rw.t
Depends on preceding test working
(1 todo)
(1 todo)
Traits: misc.t
is readonly does not override
(2 todo)
changing precedence of already declared op
(1 todo)
S09: Data Structures
Autovivification: autoincrement.t
isa multi variant
(1 skipped)
autoviv, binding
(2 todo)
(2 todo)
Autovivification: autovivification.t
No value for parameter \$other in CORE Any.isa
(1 skipped)
Unable to resolve method unshift in class Any
(1 skipped)
Unable to resolve method push in class Any
(4 skipped)
(1 todo)
isa multi variant
(1 skipped)
autoviv, binding
(2 todo)
(2 todo)
oh noes, it dies
(6 skipped)
Subscript: slice.t
(2 skipped)
(2 skipped)
RT 61844
(2 skipped)
Typed Arrays: arrays.t
nested typechecks are borked
(1 skipped)
type on our-variables
(1 skipped)
(1 skipped)
need parameterized Lists
(1 todo)
nested typechecks are borked
(2 todo)
no parametrization
(2 todo)
S10: Packages
Packages: basic.t
Unable to locate module PM6 in @path
(2 skipped)
Unable to find lexical $?PACKAGE in pkg
(1 skipped)
Nominal type check failed in binding $l in infix:<===>; got My74592, needed Any
(2 skipped)
Exception not defined
(10 skipped)
Export tags NYI
(3 skipped)
AlsoEmpty undeclared (ie no autovivification, I guess)
(1 skipped)
(5 todo)
ticket based only on class... RT #60446
(1 skipped)
RT #59484
(1 skipped)
RT #64606
(1 todo)
S11: Compilation Units
Code did not die, can not check exception
(2 skipped)
A symbol "&Gfoo" has already been exported
(1 skipped)
it just dies, can't check using throws_like
(1 skipped)
(1 todo)
Modules: import.t
import plus inline module
(4 skipped)
Modules: require.t
Trying to import from 'InnerModule', but the following symbols are missing: quux
(1 skipped)
variable form plus imports NYI
(1 todo)
S12: Objects
Unable to resolve method t in class T1
(2 skipped)
(4 todo)
Attributes: class.t
Two definitions of method b
(2 skipped)
method ^foo
(8 skipped)
(4 skipped)
nom regression - method ^foo
(6 skipped)
Attributes: clone.t
Exception: Representation P6cursor does not support cloning
(2 todo)
clone currently messes up original
(2 todo)
Attributes: defaults.t
'self' used where no object is available
(2 skipped)
Attributes: instance.t
Unable to resolve method of in class Array
(1 skipped)
Unhandled parameter twigil .
(2 skipped)
Attribute $!x declared outside of any class
(1 skipped)
Unable to resolve method of in class Hash
(1 skipped)
self closure
(1 skipped)
Variable $.a used where no self is available
(3 skipped)
original not affected
(2 todo)
(7 todo)
ro array/hash with accessor
(2 todo)
typed arrays
(4 todo)
ro on list attributes
(2 todo)
dubious test - the initializer becomes a submethod here, implying a scope
(1 skipped)
over-eager auto-vivification bugs
(1 todo)
(1 todo)
Attributes: mutators.t
Can not get attribute $!varies declared in class MagicVal with this object
(7 skipped)
Attributes: recursive.t
A type must be provided ???
(8 skipped)
(2 todo)
(2 todo)
Anonymous class stringification (?)
(1 todo)
Unhandled exception: Unable to resolve method ctxzyg in type Method
(1 skipped)
Unhandled parameter twigil !
(6 skipped)
$b declared but not used. FIXME later.
(1 skipped)
Cannot use .= to initialize an attribute
(1 skipped)
redeclaration of symbol Bar
(2 skipped)
Class: basic.t
No value for parameter \$expected in Test is
(3 skipped)
Methods must be used in some kind of package
(1 skipped)
(2 todo)
Exception: Unable to resolve method add_method in type ClassHOW
(1 todo)
Calling is will never work with argument types (Foo)
(3 skipped)
RT #67784
(1 skipped)
Unable to resolve method parents in class ClassHOW
(1 skipped)
Pathed definitions require our scope
(2 skipped)
Exception NYI
(2 skipped)
(1 todo)
error reporting
(1 todo)
Class: mro.t
(1 skipped)
Cannot dispatch to a method on D because it is not inherited or done by Cursor
(2 skipped)
Class: stubs.t
broken in nom-derived stub model
(1 todo)
nom regression
(1 todo)
Construction: BUILD.t
(1 todo)
(1 todo)
method BUILD should warn
(1 todo)
Construction: autopairs.t
nom regression
(2 todo)
Construction: construction.t
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
(2 skipped)
Malformed has (int NYI, I think)
(3 skipped)
Construction: new.t
Without previous line, this is a disaster
(1 skipped)
dies more thoroughly than okay
(1 skipped)
Cannot call new; none of these signatures match
(1 skipped)
No candidates for dispatch to new
(1 skipped)
(10 todo)
parent attributes in initialization
(9 todo)
nested package handling does't quite get this one right
(1 todo)
Enums: basic.t
(1 skipped)
enummish but
(5 skipped)
Enum must have at least one value
(1 skipped)
Enum must have at least one value
(1 todo)
Cannot convert string to number
(5 skipped)
Enums: misc.t
No value for parameter $key in CORE CommonEnum.postcircumfix:<( )>
(1 skipped)
(1 todo)
RT 63826
(1 skipped)
Enums: non-int.t
(2 todo)
(1 todo)
(2 skipped)
does &day::("Tue")
(16 skipped)
does day::Tue
(2 skipped)
Introspection: WHAT.t
no typed support
(24 skipped)
(1 todo)
of Type on scalars fails
(3 todo)
Foo[Int].new on scalars fails
(4 todo)
Foo[Int,Str].new on scalars fails
(1 todo)
looks like a type object, but is not
(2 todo)
%h{Str} of Int fails
(2 todo)
Introspection: attributes.t
:tree not implemented for .^attributes
(5 skipped)
Introspection: can.t
No match
(11 skipped)
(1 todo)
.can returns something Positional
(1 todo)
Introspection: meta-class.t
(1 skipped)
.version, version number parsing
(1 skipped)
precedence of prefix:<^>
(1 skipped)
precedence of HOW
(1 skipped)
Introspection: methods.t
nom regression
(11 skipped)
nom regression
(2 todo)
Introspection: roles.t
(4 skipped)
Methods: accessors.t
(2 todo)
ambiguous dispatch
(11 skipped)
(2 todo)
Methods: defer-next.t
variant of RT 69608
(1 todo)
Two definitions found for symbol ::GLOBAL::T4::&m, etc
(15 skipped)
Invocant handling is NYI
(2 skipped)
Unable to resolve method postcircumfix:<( )> in class Array
(6 skipped)
.@foo not yet working
(6 skipped)
.*, .+ and .? with @foo
(15 skipped)
TTIAR near $o:
(2 skipped)
Methods: instance.t
indirect object notation
(2 skipped)
Invocant handling is NYI
(1 skipped)
confused near "($obj:), "
(1 skipped)
Methods: multi.t
(9 skipped)
No candidates for dispatch to C.foo
(2 skipped)
NYI dottyop form .*
(3 skipped)
Exception NYI
(1 skipped)
depends on previous test
(1 todo)
This test is pretty dubious IMO
(1 todo)
proto does not promote to multi
(2 skipped)
unknown bug
(3 skipped)
RT 66006
(1 todo)
NYI dottyop form
(11 skipped)
Cannot use hash access on an object of type Pair
(1 skipped)
=== Nil NYI
(1 skipped)
No such method postcircumfix:<( )> for invocant of type Pair
(1 skipped)
is_deeply does not think map results are the same as list on LHS
(5 todo)
Methods: private.t
7 tests aborted (missing ok/not ok)
(7 aborted)
Failed test
aborted 7 test(s)
Methods: submethods.t
(4 todo)
outer lexicals in roles
(2 skipped)
roles and submethods
(4 skipped)
Methods: syntax.t
Excess arguments to Any.map, used 2 of 4 positionals
(1 skipped)
Interaction between semiargs and args is not understood
(3 skipped)
switch-from-paren-to-listop form
(3 skipped)
adverbial closures
(1 skipped)
Methods: topic.t
Failed test
1 - $_ is not set in methods...
Subset: subtypes.t
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
(6 skipped)
Exceptions not supported
(1 skipped)
$n has already been used as a non-placeholder in the surrounding block
(3 skipped)
Pathed definitions require our scope
(4 skipped)
(3 todo)
RT 79160
(2 todo)
S13: Overloading
Overloading: metaoperators.t
10 tests aborted (missing ok/not ok)
(10 aborted)
Failed test
aborted 10 test(s)
couldn't find final ']'
(1 skipped)
Overloading: operators.t
cannot easily override {} at the moment
(1 skipped)
Overloading: typecasting-long.t
No value for parameter $capture in TypeCastSub.postcircumfix:<( )>
(4 skipped)
cannot easily override {} at the moment
(8 skipped)
cannot easily override [] at the moment
(4 skipped)
cannot easily override {} at the moment
(4 skipped)
cannot easily override [] at the moment
(3 skipped)
cannot easily override {} at the moment
(4 todo)
cannot easily override [] at the moment
(1 todo)
cannot easily override {} at the moment
(4 skipped)
cannot easily override [] at the moment
(3 skipped)
cannot easily override {} at the moment
(4 todo)
cannot easily override [] at the moment
(1 todo)
Type Casting: methods.t
this test makes not much sense: noauto
(4 skipped)
coercion syntax
(2 skipped)
(1 todo)
S14: Roles and Parametric Types
roles are run once and only capture the protopad
(1 skipped)
This is being misinterpreted as an initial value
(1 todo)
anonymous roles only created once
(1 skipped)
RT 121626
(2 todo)
Unhandled exception: Attribute %!e in C6 is defined in C6 but not R6
(1 skipped)
review test and rakudo
(2 skipped)
Roles: basic.t
Unable to resolve method x in type AccessesAttr
(1 skipped)
RT 67768
(3 skipped)
RT #121308
(1 todo)
can see it in the position, but even STD message doesn't include it
(1 todo)
diamond composition
(2 skipped)
Roles: mixin.t
Unable to resolve method methods in class ClassHOW
(1 skipped)
Twigil ! is only valid on attribute definitions
(1 skipped)
Can only provide exactly one initial value to a mixin
(2 skipped)
NYI dottyop form .+
(1 skipped)
NYI dottyop form .*
(1 skipped)
Trait does not available on variables
(2 skipped)
mixin at the point of declaration is compile time
(2 skipped)
nom regression
(1 todo)
.does with parametric roles
(4 todo)
cannot easily override [] at the moment
(1 skipped)
Traits: routines.t
trait mod / .wrap interaction
(1 todo)
S16: IO / User / Group
Filehandles: chmod.t
:r :w :x can accidentally work with root permission
(3 skipped)
Filehandles: filetest.t
Asynchronous programming NYI exception generated
(9 skipped)
.s NYI
(1 skipped)
(2 todo)
:M, :C, :A
(6 skipped)
no file README
(3 skipped)
Filehandles: io.t
:bin NYI
(5 skipped)
Not yet able to open both :r and :w
(3 skipped)
(2 skipped)
open does not yet produce an IO object
(14 skipped)
IO.ins NYI
(5 skipped)
:rw on open() unimplemented
(1 skipped)
Filehandles: mkdir_rmdir.t
deviation from spec because we do not have sink yet
(1 skipped)
Filehandles: open.t
open('nonexisting') => undefined is waiting on 'use fatal'
(1 skipped)
Filehandles: unlink.t
implicit closure of file handle at scope exit not implemented (FAILS ON WINDOWS) (noauto)
(1 skipped)
(1 todo)
nom regression
(3 todo)
bare say
(2 todo)
TextReader.eof NYI
(1 skipped)
Method 'read' not found
(1 skipped)
(2 todo)
contextual rebinding regression
(2 skipped)
S17: Concurrency
Lowlevel: lock.t
not sure this test is valid
(1 skipped)
Lowlevel: thread.t
segfaults randomly
(3 skipped)
Promise: basic.t
2 tests aborted (missing ok/not ok)
(2 aborted)
Failed test
aborted 2 test(s)
Scheduler: basic.t
waiting for new '.loads' semantics
(6 skipped)
Supply: list.t
(4 skipped)
Supply: on.t
Failed test
9 - basic 2 supply 'on' works
Supply: squish.t
Failed test
5 - squish tap with 2 ranges works
Supply: zip.t
Failed test
9 - zipping with 3 supplies works
S19: Compiling
Command Line: dash-e.t
(3 skipped)
S26: Introspection
Documentation: why.t
(1 skipped)
S28: Special Names
Named Variables: inc.t
(1 todo)
S29: Distributions, Recommendations, Delivery and Installation
Context: die.t
test needs rewriting, EVAL does not catch exceptions
(2 skipped)
RT #67374
(1 todo)
Context: eval.t
int NYI
(1 skipped)
method form of EVAL does not see outer lexicals
(1 skipped)
Unable to resolve method encode in class Str
(1 skipped)
No :lang argument yet...
(1 todo)
(1 skipped)
EVAL coerce to string
(2 skipped)
Context: exit.t
Failed test
2 - exit 5; works
Failed test
3 - try-block does not catch exit exceptions
Conversions: ord_and_chr.t
chr handling of invalid code-points
(5 skipped)
multi-arg variants of chr not in place yet
(1 skipped)
(1 todo)
high character name lookup
(1 skipped)
RT #65172 - combining graphemes
(1 todo)
chr surrogate
(1 todo)
chr max
(1 todo)
chr of noncharacter
(2 todo)
run() broken (and test questionable
(1 skipped)
depends on rakudo being installed
(1 todo)
S32: Security
Array: elems.t
(1 todo)
Array: pairs.t
Apparently not rw yet?
(1 todo)
Array: pop.t
may run forever
(1 skipped)
undeclared name Failure
(4 skipped)
Array: push.t
(1 todo)
Array: shift.t
undeclared name Failure
(3 skipped)
Array: splice.t
slice bug
(1 todo)
Array: unshift.t
(1 todo)
Basics: warn.t
(1 todo)
quietly NYI
(1 todo)
nom regression
(1 todo)
(1 todo)
Container: roundrobin.t
(1 todo)
Container: stringify.t
(4 skipped)
(4 skipped)
Container: zip.t
Unable to resolve method LISTSTORE in class List
(2 skipped)
Slicel lists are NYI
(2 skipped)
lvalue zip
(2 skipped)
Exceptions: misc.t
RT 114134
(1 skipped)
still handled by <special_var>
(3 skipped)
parsing regression
(1 skipped)
X::Assignment::RO, RT 121534
(5 skipped)
Hash: exists.t
Invocant handling is NYI
(1 skipped)
(1 skipped)
Hash: invert.t
Cannot use value like Pair as a number
(2 todo)
nom regression
(1 todo)
(4 todo)
Hash: kv.t
aliases should be rw
(2 todo)
Hash: pairs.t
Rakudo seems to make a copy rather than a reference
(1 todo)
Hash: slice.t
Excess arguments to CORE List.new, used 1 of 3 positionals
(3 skipped)
(10 todo)
Writing to readonly scalar
(1 todo)
binding on hash elements unimplemented
(11 todo)
rakudo.jvm systemic failures/OOM error
(47 skipped)
spec non-conformance due to missing sink context
(2 skipped)
Unable to resolve method s in class IO
(24 skipped)
Io: dir.t
Grepping Str against a list of IO::Path does not work
(4 skipped)
Unable to resolve method s in class IO
(12 skipped)
On-system tests for filetest inheritance
(2 skipped)
resolve NYI, needs nqp::readlink
(1 todo)
resolve NYI, needs nqp::readlink
(1 todo)
On-system tests for filetest inheritance
(2 skipped)
resolve NYI, needs nqp::readlink
(1 todo)
.parent NYI
(2 skipped)
is-absolute NYI
(2 skipped)
IO::Handle still called IO
(1 skipped)
.is-absolute, .is-relative NYI
(2 skipped)
cygwin on-platform tests
(2 skipped)
Win32ish on-platform tests
(3 skipped)
Str.note NYI
(1 todo)
nom regression
(1 todo)
slurp(filehandle) doesn't work
(1 skipped)
:bin option for slurp fails
(3 skipped)
:enc option for slurp fails
(3 skipped)
(1 todo)
Cannot use bind operator with this LHS
(3 skipped)
(1 todo)
List: create.t
Excess arguments to List.new, used 1 of 4 positionals
(3 skipped)
List: end.t
Unable to resolve method end in class Int
(1 skipped)
List: first.t
No value for parameter Mu $filter in CORE Any.first
(2 skipped)
(2 skipped)
adverbial block
(2 skipped)
List: grep.t
No value for parameter Mu $sm in Any.grep
(12 skipped)
Invocant handling is NYI
(6 skipped)
No value for parameter $b in ANON
(1 skipped)
closure as non-final argument
(6 skipped)
RT 71544: grep arity sensitivity different from map
(1 skipped)
test error -- is $_ rw here?
(2 skipped)
adverbial block
(12 skipped)
List: map.t
No value for parameter $e in ANON
(1 skipped)
Invocant handling is NYI
(2 skipped)
No value for parameter $func in Any.map
(2 skipped)
No value for parameter $b in ANON
(1 skipped)
(1 todo)
(1 todo)
adverbial block; RT #53804
(4 skipped)
closure as non-final argument
(2 skipped)
adverbial block
(2 skipped)
List: pick.t
().pick === Nil
(1 skipped)
Failed test
48 - simple pick on Enum type works
Failed test
49 - one pick on Enum type works
Failed test
50 - all pick on Enum type works
Failed test
51 - too many pick on Enum type works
Failed test
53 - simple pick on Enum is sane
Failed test
54 - one pick on Enum is sane
Failed test
55 - all pick on Enum is sane
Failed test
56 - too many pick on Enum is sane
error on pick :replace
(1 todo)
List: reduce.t
n-ary reduce
(1 skipped)
n-ary reduce
(1 todo)
Unable to resolve method reverse in class Parcel
(1 skipped)
Iterable NYI
(4 skipped)
RT 77914
(1 todo)
List: roll.t
That's not the right way to spawn another Niecza
(1 skipped)
.roll on empty list
(1 skipped)
Failed test
41 - simple roll on Enum type works
Failed test
42 - one roll on Enum type works
Failed test
45 - simple roll on Enum is sane
Failed test
46 - one roll on Enum is sane
Failed test
47 - too many roll on Enum is sane
Cannot spawn rakudo like this (JVM, RT 121528)
(1 skipped)
Cannot spawn rakudo like this (Moar, RT 121528)
(1 skipped)
List: sort.t
determine behavior of 0-arity methods passed to sort
(2 skipped)
err, what?
(1 skipped)
Invocant handling is NYI
(1 skipped)
Is this test actually testing for correct behavior?
(1 todo)
Niecza's sort is not stable
(3 todo)
closure as non-final argument
(1 skipped)
method fallback to sub unimpl
(1 todo)
Num: base.t
Rat.base NYI
(4 skipped)
(10 skipped)
roots NYI
(8 skipped)
angle conversion
(4 skipped)
coercion would discard nonzero imaginary part
(2 skipped)
(1 todo)
FatRat arith + type objects
(2 skipped)
(1 todo)
Num: int.t
0x, 0d, and 0o NYI
(3 skipped)
trailing d produces a failure
(1 skipped)
trailing characters produce failures
(2 skipped)
Inf and NaN NYI for Int
(1 skipped)
Inf and NaN NYI for Int
(2 todo)
Inf and NaN NYI for Int
(3 todo)
Num: log.t
(1 todo)
Slow and wrong
(3 skipped)
complex NaN stringy
(2 todo)
(1 todo)
NaN**1i should be NaN
(1 skipped)
(1 skipped)
NaN**0 should be NaN
(1 skipped)
1i**NaN should be NaN
(1 skipped)
big exponents
(5 todo)
Simple bigint optimizations NYI
(3 todo)
Num: rand.t
(4 skipped)
Test is too slow
(1 skipped)
Num: rat.t
No value for parameter $n in CORE Rat.new
(3 skipped)
Unable to resolve method nude in class Num
(2 skipped)
(5 todo)
RT 74648
(1 skipped)
<1/3> literal should be Rat
(4 todo)
RT 121527
(1 todo)
rounding with Num makes more rounding errors
(1 todo)
(1 todo)
Num: sign.t
(1 skipped)
(2 todo)
Test is kind of doubtful IMO -- colomon
(1 skipped)
Nom does not yet have a NaN framework in place
(1 todo)
big stuff
(4 skipped)
(11 todo)
Scalar: perl.t
cannot roundtrip constrained scalars yet
(2 todo)
Scalar: undef.t
(6 skipped)
fun with undefine
(8 skipped)
unspeclike use of %MY::
(10 skipped)
push does not vivify
(4 skipped)
(1 todo)
definedness of hash
(1 todo)
definedness of array
(1 todo)
(1 todo)
(2 todo)
Cannot use bind operator with this left-hand side
(10 skipped)
access to &your_sub
(6 skipped)
todo: lists, defined, truthness
(2 todo)
wordcase somewhat stupid right now
(2 todo)
(2 todo)
graphemes results wrong
(2 todo)
related to RT #117889
(2 skipped)
Str: comb.t
(5 skipped)
(1 skipped)
(2 todo)
cannot call match, no signature matches
(1 skipped)
graphemes not implemented
(2 todo)
We do not handle NDF yet
(1 skipped)
Str: flip.t
graphemes not implemented
(2 todo)
weird scalar input
(1 skipped)
(1 skipped)
(2 todo)
coercion to Int
(1 skipped)
(2 skipped)
StrPos not implemented
(2 skipped)
Str: lc.t
advanced Unicode wizardry
(1 todo)
case folding, moarvm issue 87
(1 todo)
"abcdef" > 4 makes niecza unhappy
(2 skipped)
.graphs NYI
(15 skipped)
(41 todo)
(1 skipped)
(5 todo)
complex Str.Numeric
(1 todo)
niecza has empty value at beginning of list
(4 skipped)
0 or negative does not return empty list
(4 skipped)
returning 2 element list
(2 todo)
RT 112868
(1 todo)
Unable to resolve method null in class Cursor
(1 skipped)
Unable to resolve method wb in class Cursor
(2 skipped)
(14 skipped)
2 element list
(1 todo)
split on empty string has leading empty elements
(4 todo)
No such method null for invocant of type Cursor
(1 skipped)
Date NYI
(1 skipped)
dubious test - should be testing exception type, not string. Niecza does respond with an appropriate, but differently worded string
(1 skipped)
(1 todo)
Issues with Inf
(10 skipped)
%p doesn't yet throw exception - but should it, or just Failure?
(1 skipped)
(3 skipped)
(2 todo)
RT 118601
(1 todo)
RT 116280
(3 todo)
sprintf hangs when printing Inf/-Inf
(2 skipped)
sprintf prints numbers before NaN
(1 todo)
(4 todo)
(12 todo)
'Failure' used at line 244
(1 skipped)
StrPos tests broken
(29 skipped)
(2 todo)
substr bug
(2 todo)
(3 skipped)
No support for StrPos
(28 skipped)
lvalue substr
(1 skipped)
too many args
(7 skipped)
Str: tc.t
(2 todo)
tc works on codepoints greater than 0xffff
(1 todo)
Str: tclc.t
RT 121377
(1 todo)
unknown tclc problem
(1 todo)
Str: uc.t
German language weirdness
(1 todo)
but RoleName
(4 skipped)
case folding of German sharp S, RT 121377
(1 todo)
extra .list on the lhs
(1 todo)
(2 todo)
graphemes not implemented
(2 skipped)
Temporal: Date.t
nom regression
(1 skipped)
high-precision Instants NYI (need FatRats)
(4 todo)
nom regression
(1 skipped)
high-precision Instants NYI (need FatRats)
(4 todo)
Temporal: DateTime.t
nom regression
(1 todo)
Temporal: local.t
The local time zone may not be America/New_York.
(19 skipped)
Trig: cosech.t
Inf results wrong
(2 todo)
Trig: cosh.t
Inf results wrong
(2 todo)
Trig: cotanh.t
Inf results wrong
(2 todo)
Trig: sech.t
Inf results wrong
(2 todo)
Trig: sinh.t
Inf results wrong
(2 todo)
Trig: tanh.t
Inf results wrong
(2 todo)
Integration tests
Unable to resolve method reverse in class Parcel
(3 skipped)
(1 todo)
groupless gather/take
(1 skipped)
Feed ops NYI
(1 skipped)
(4 todo)
(1 todo)
Get Capture, not array
(2 todo)
(2 todo)
(2 skipped)
Unable to resolve method push in class Any
(1 skipped)
sort order incorrect.
(1 todo)
(3 todo)
No Benchmark module yet
(1 skipped)
Test(s) not yet written: (*) Truth tables for logical expressions (2).
(1 skipped)
(1 skipped)
Shaped variable declarations
(4 skipped)
Test(s) not yet written: (**) Truth tables for logical expressions (3).
(1 skipped)
making Parcel.reverse return a Parcel seems to break this
(1 todo)
Test(s) not yet written: (**) Generate-and-test paradigm
(1 skipped)
Test(s) not yet written: (**) Construct height-balanced binary trees with a given number of nodes
(1 skipped)
Test(s) not yet written: (**) Tree construction from a node string
(1 skipped)
Test(s) not yet written: (**) Dotstring representation of binary trees
(1 skipped)
Test(s) not yet written: (***) Layout a binary tree (3)
(1 skipped)
Test(s) not yet written: (**) A string representation of binary trees
(1 skipped)
Test(s) not yet written: (**) Construct a complete binary tree
(1 skipped)
Test(s) not yet written: (**) Preorder and inorder sequences of binary trees
(1 skipped)
invalid format specifier
(1 skipped)
junction match fails
(2 todo)
(1 todo)
Cannot assign to readonly value
(1 todo)
Excess arguments to CORE Any.map, used 2 of 4 positionals
(1 skipped)
No candidates found to invoke
(1 skipped)
Capturing arbitrary named parameters as hash
(1 todo)
Capturing arbitrary named parameters
(1 todo)
Importing symbols by name doesn't work in current Rakudo
(3 skipped)
Multi subs aren't imported by default in current Rakudo - is this to spec?
(1 skipped)
parse error
(1 skipped)
No candidates for dispatch to &infix:<==>
(1 skipped)
(1 skipped)
lists aren't properly lazy in Rakudo yet
(1 skipped)
differing result
(1 todo)
:c in heredocs
(1 todo)
adverb stacking
(1 todo)
RT121622 aborting on jvm
(2 skipped)
combined config example
(4 skipped)
(1 skipped)
no implementation of promise/channel
(10 skipped)
jvm rounding quirks
(1 todo)
list of numbers
(3 todo)
Supply.interval on moar
(6 skipped)
sub ucfirst($thing) is export(:DEFAULT) blows up
(3 skipped)
Unable to resolve method backtrace in type Str
(1 skipped)
(2 todo)
(1 todo)
Buffer bitops NYI
(1 todo)
Suspect test
(1 todo)
alas, no visibility of native private attributes yet
(2 skipped)
alas, no visibility of private attributes in other role
(2 skipped)
10 tests aborted (missing ok/not ok)
(10 aborted)
Failed test
aborted 10 test(s)
(3 skipped)
(1 todo)
Failed test
10 - weird code that used to parsefail rakudo
Failed test
12 - fails correctly